Her ne kadar kendime, elimdeki defterleri bitirmeden yenilerine geçmeyeceğime dair söz vermiş olsam da, dün dayanamadım ve evden çıkarken, yaptığım defterlerden birini çantama attım. Sabah olmasına rağmen tren bayağı sakindi ve bu kıymetli anı elimden geldiğince yakalamaya çalıştım.
Yesterday, Although I promised myself that I wouldn't use a new book without finishing my half used books, i couldn't resist the attraction of my self-made sketchbooks and decided to test one of them. When i'm going outside, bagged one of them , then got on a train. Train was so quiet,-that's nearly impossbile in Turkey- and don't want to miss that oppurtunity and try to capture that precious moment.
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